There is no goal too big, or too small! At RALVIS you will have a TEAM of coaches all supporting your mission.
We have a unique system that continuously helps our athletes produce results. We call it “The 3 Pillars of Success”
We are a PRIVATE training facility. Every single athlete we work with has a written training plan that aligns with their goal, and expert coaches to coach them through it.
All athletes obtain individualized nutrition planning that not only aligns with their goal, but also their schedule, and their taste buds!
Every olympic athlete on the planet has a coach that ensures things are going in the right direction. You should too!
"For those who are truly committed to being great, I wanted to provide them a place to call home. At RALVIS this is exactly what we have done.” - Dave Rodely, RALVIS Founder
Claim Free Session!We train functional movement for speed and strength. Being strong is nice but being strong in the wrong movement patterns is useless and potentially dangerous for an athlete. Balance, speed, and mobility paired with strength in the correct movement patterns for sport is what we develop. This is consistent with the latest science for elite athletic performance. This is the kind of training we utilize to produce results that help our athletes move better and help reduce the risk of injury. Just as importantly, we provide psychological, emotional, and physical training to our athletes regardless of age to help them be their best.
Schedule a complete RALVIS Performance Screen (RPS session) with one of our REPS/coaches for a FREE assessment and schedule discussion of program length and costs
Athlete training sessions are typically 70 to 80 minutes long, but not less than 60 or more than 90.
Training sessions vary from 2 sessions per week to 5 sessions per week
A season is 3 months long
Regardless of their sport, we develop functional movement that makes athletes better… no matter what level they are currently, beginner or professional! We do not spend a lot of time teaching athletes how to play their sport. They already have a coach for that. We make athletes faster, stronger, and more functional, and because of that they are better in their sport as a side effect of being a better athlete. All that said, we have trained athletes who have achieved significant results in the following sports:
Along with helping athletes improve performance, by moving faster and stronger in the correct planes of motion our REPS/coaches also work to embed our key principles. We want to teach young athletes: